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The Henry Allison Senior Scholar Prize

The Henry Allison Senior Scholar Prize is awarded annually for an outstanding article or book dealing with any aspect of Kant’s philosophy and published in the two years preceding ("online first" publication counts). The Prize is on a two-year cycle, with articles and books accepted in alternating years. We invite ARTICLE nominations for the 2024 Senior Scholar Prize (for articles published in 2022 or 2023) until May 31, 2024. We will invite BOOK nominations for the 2025 Senior Scholar Prize (for books published in 2023 or 2024) in early 2025. And so on.

(Note that for the 2023 prize only, we considered books published in the preceding THREE years, rather than two. This is a result of the switch to making it an alternating prize. So any book published in 2020, 2021, or 2022 was eligible for that competition.)

The winner will receive an honorary prize of $300.

The submissions are (to the extent possible for published work) anonymized and judged by a NAKS Awards Committee comprising members selected from the NAKS Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, and prior winners.

The Awards Committee reserves the right not to award a prize, if in its judgment no prize is warranted.

Eligibility rules:

  • Only single-authored articles or monographs written in English will be considered.
  • Only one submission per author is allowed.  (Submitting more than one paper will lead to disqualification.)
  • The author must be a Senior scholar by the year the article or monograph in question was published. “Senior” is defined as: “10 years beyond the official receipt of the Ph.D. or most advanced degree," regardless of employment status or age.
  • Authors must be members of NAKS at the time of submission.
  • Members of the current NAKS Executive Committee, sub-committees, Board of Trustees, and prior winners are not eligible to compete for the prize.

For Article Prize nominations, click hereThe publication date for these purposes is the date on which the paper is first available in its final form on the journal website. Thus, "online first" papers count, even if they have not yet appeared in print.

  • For the Book Prize, submission must be made by the publisher, and four (4) copies of the book must be submitted to NAKS.
PAST Winners

2023 Helga Varden, Sex, Love, and Gender: A Kantian Account (Oxford University Press, 2020)

2022 Patrick Kain, 'The Development of Kant’s Conception of Divine Freedom', in Brandon C. Look (ed.), Leibniz and Kant (Oxford University Press, 2021).

2020 Marcus Willaschek, Kant on the Sources of Metaphysics: The Dialectic of Pure Reason (Cambridge, 2019)

2019 Melissa Merritt, Kant on Reflection and Virtue (Cambridge, 2018)

2018 Konstantin Pollok, Kant's Theory of Normativity: Exploring the Space of Reason (Cambridge, 2017)

2016 Lucy Allais, Manifest Reality: Kant’s Idealism and his Realism (Oxford, 2015)

2015 Julian Wuerth, Kant on Mind, Action, and Ethics (Oxford, 2014)

2014 Pauline Kleingeld, Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship (Cambridge, 2013)

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