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Call for Submissions

  • 27 Mar 2024 1:11 PM | Eli Benjamin Israel (Administrator)

    Submission deadline: May 31, 2024. Click here for the submission form.

    The North American Kant Society is pleased to announce the 14th annual Wilfrid Sellars Essay Prize competition. This prize will be awarded for the best essay on any topic that demonstrates the continuing relevance of Kant’s philosophy. Essays must be single-authored, previously unpublished (work under review or forthcoming will be considered), and cannot exceed 8,000 words in length (including notes and works cited/bibliography). Submissions not within this word limit may not be considered.

    The intention behind the Sellars Prize is to help promote original Kantian or Kant-inspired philosophical work of scholars in the early stages of their careers. Submissions will be blind-reviewed and judged by members of a review committee drawn from the NAKS Executive Committee and Board of Trustees.

    Eligibility rules:

    1) The essay must be written in English, single-authored, and not published (online or in print) prior to April 1, 2024.

    2) Only one submission per author is allowed.  (Submitting more than one paper will lead to disqualification.)

    3) ‘Junior’ is defined here as 5 years or fewer from receipt of the Ph.D. on the prize submission deadline.

    4) Authors must be members of NAKS at the time of submission and during the period when the submissions are under review.

    5) Authors cannot be past recipients of the Wilfrid Sellars Essay Prize.

    Article should be submitted to this form  (you must first log in to our website to access it). Entries should be submitted in Word format and state the word count at the end. They should be formatted for blind review. Submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter that specifies the author’s name, email contact information, and title of the paper, and also includes a declaration stating that eligibility rules (1)-(4) above are satisfied.

    The Kantian Review has joined hands with NAKS to enhance our annual Wilfrid Sellars Junior Essay Prize. This year, we will award a $600 prize. Additionally, the prize winner will have the presumptive offer of publication in Kantian Review (assuming approval by the editor). The committee reserves the right not to award a prize, if in its judgment none is warranted.

    Decision Process:

    Submissions will be blind-reviewed and judged by members of a review committee drawn from the NAKS Executive Committee, members of the Board of Trustees, and previous Sellars Prize winners. The essays are assigned to judges based, to the extent possible, on their expertise. Each essay is initially reviewed by at least two judges. The submissions will be judged on originality of its thesis, impact or significance within its subfield, strength of the argument, textual evidence in support of its thesis, and its clarity. The award committee reserves the right not to award a  winner if in its judgment no prize is warranted.

  • 19 Feb 2024 3:16 PM | Eli Benjamin Israel (Administrator)

    The Senior Scholar Prize is awarded annually for an outstanding article or book dealing with any aspect of Kant’s philosophy and published in the two years preceding ("online first" publication counts). The Prize is on a two-year cycle, with articles and books accepted in alternating years. We invite ARTICLE nominations for the 2024 Senior Scholar Prize (for articles published in 2022 or 2023) until May 31, 2024. We will invite BOOK nominations for the 2025 Senior Scholar Prize (for books published in 2023 or 2024) in early 2025. And so on.

    (Note that for the 2023 prize only, we considered books published in the preceding THREE years, rather than two. This is a result of the switch to making it an alternating prize. So any book published in 2020, 2021, or 2022 was eligible for that competition.)

    The winner will receive an honorary prize of $300.

    The submissions are anonymized and judged by a NAKS Awards Committee comprising members of the NAKS Board of Trustees.

    The Awards Committee reserves the right not to award a prize, if in its judgment no prize is warranted.

    Eligibility rules:

    • Only single-authored articles or monographs written in English will be considered.
    • Only one submission per author is allowed.  (Submitting more than one paper will lead to disqualification.)
    • The author must be a Senior scholar by the year the article or monograph in question was published. “Senior” is defined as: “10 years beyond the official receipt of the Ph.D. or most advanced degree," regardless of employment status or age.
    • Authors must be members of NAKS at the time of submission.
    • Current NAKS Executive and/or Advisory Board Members are not eligible to compete for the prize.

    For Article Prize nominations, click hereThe publication date for these purposes is the date on which the paper is first available in its final form on the journal website. Thus, "online first" papers count, even if they have not yet appeared in print.

    • For the Book Prize, submission must be made by the publisher, and four (4) copies of the book must be submitted to NAKS.

  • 12 Jan 2024 9:45 AM | Eli Benjamin Israel (Administrator)

    Submission deadline: August 31, 2024

    The KANT YEARBOOK is now accepting submissions for its seventeenth issue in 2025. The KANT YEARBOOK is an international journal that publishes articles on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. It is the KANT YEARBOOK’s goal to intensify innovative research on Kant on the international scale. For that reason, the KANT YEARBOOK prefers to publish articles in English, however, articles in German will also be considered. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic. The seventeenth issue’s topic is "Kant’s Philosophy of Mind".

    All papers discussing “Philosophy of Mind” in relation to Kant’s work from a historical, systematic and/or contemporary perspective are welcome. The KANT YEARBOOK practices double-blind review, i.e., the reviewers are not aware of the identity of a manuscript’s author, and the author is not aware of the reviewers’ identity. Submitted manuscripts must be anonymous; that is the authors’ names and references to their work capable of identifying them are not to appear in the manuscript. Detailed instructions and author guidelines are available at:

    For further information contact the editor or the publisher Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston (

    Paper submissions should go to

    Editor: Kristina Engelhard (Trier University).

    Editorial Board, Abstracting & Indexing, etc.:

  • 12 Jan 2024 9:42 AM | Eli Benjamin Israel (Administrator)

    Submission deadline: June 3, 2024

    Volume editor: Alfredo Ferrarin – University of Pisa

    «The scientific concept of reason contains the end and the form of the whole», Kant writes at the beginning of the Architectonic of the Critique of Pure Reason. In much recent literature on Kant there is a rediscovery of ideas in their architectonic, heuristic, regulative sense, and a new centrality of reason in the narrow sense. Indeed, Kant introduces a fundamental novelty when he distinguishes ideas from concepts and separates understanding (Verstehen) from comprehending (Begreifen). And yet, ideas are not as heterogeneous with concepts as, for example, intuitions: if understanding is the faculty of rules and the power of judgment, reason is the faculty of inferring and concluding (schliessen) from concepts themselves, and of syllogistically organizing the understanding’s knowledge with a view to maximum coherence. This is why reason has no object of its own but is directed to the understanding, and why ideas, before being the transgression of the empirical use of reason that ventures into the supersensible, are methodological guides and maxims for reason’s need for unity: they are, that is, the way reason guides, plans and produces itself in its activities. Without ideas, the intellect risks being incoherent, like an aggregate without unity. On the 300th anniversary of Kant’s birth, «Il Pensiero» is hosting a call for papers on Ideas in Kant.

    Some outstanding questions on controversial points that can be taken as examples for thematic insights are these: Are ideas themselves dialectical, and therefore a source of transcendental appearance, or is it only their transcendent use that makes them so? Can a balance be struck between the negative and positive results of the Transcendental Dialectic, beyond Kant’s explicit attitude that devotes disproportionate space to the critique of special metaphysics and transcendental ideas and relegates the positive meaning of ideas to an appendix? Is the systematic unity of nature a logical or transcendental principle, and is it the object of a deduction or not? What is the relationship between regulative and architectonic use of the ideas of reason? Is there a difference between the definition of reason in the strict sense as a faculty of ideas and as a faculty of principles? How does the principle of analogy help to identify the logic of reason and the bridge it tries to build between heterogeneous domains? Is any particular language given as more suitable for identifying, by contrast with the categorical predication of determinative judgment, the mode of expression of ideas? If we compare the Appendix of the Transcendental Dialectic with the Critique of the Power of Judgment, how can we isolate unambiguous differences, and establish any changes in Kant’s thought, between the principles of homogeneity, specification, and continuity in 1781 and the law of specification of nature with regard to empirical laws introduced with the concept of finality (Gesetzmässigkeit) and technique of nature in 1790, then between the hypothetical use of reason and the principle of Reflective Judgment? Why are speculative, practical and aesthetic ideas, which manifestly have a different formation and definition, all equally called ideas? Is it worth safeguarding a difference of ideas from the noumenon, the thing-in-itself, the unconditioned, the supersensible? Why do some transcendental ideas, but not others, assume the figure of postulates in the practical sphere?

    Deadline for submission of contributions is June 3, 2024; response will be communicated by the editors by August 31, 2024. The articles may be in a language chosen from Italian, English, French, Spanish, German.  Submissions should not exceed 45.000 characters, including spaces and footnotes, and should be accompanied by an abstract in Italian and English, maximum 1200 characters each, and 5 keywords (in Italian and English). Click here for more info:

    The issue is scheduled for release in November 2024.

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The North American Kant Society (NAKS) was founded to promote Kant scholarship and research, the building of a global and inclusive community, and the exchange of information for all those interested in Kant, whether researchers, teachers, students, or simply Kant enthusiasts, whatever their backgrounds.  While primarily centered in North America, NAKS welcomes members from all areas of the globe.

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